06 October 2008

Potted plant

Diego heard me telling people that he wasn't sitting up and decided to prove me wrong one day shortly after the 8 month post.  He went from not sitting, to being able to sit up for long periods of time without falling over.  He didn't go through that wobbly sitting stage.  I love the potted plant stage.  You set them down and they stay there - for a long time!  It's quite delightful to just plop him down somewhere, set several toys in front of him and have him entertain himself for a while.  Not to mention a sitting baby is just so stinkin' cute!  


Julie & Jack Perry said...

a. dor. able!!!! just want to squeeze him he's so stinkin' adorable!

Erin said...

in the second picture he looks like Hampton
cute cute cute!

Sofia said...

China! He's soo cute! It's been too long since I have seen him. I too want to squeeze my little nephew. He's starting to look like a little boy in these pictures.

Swanky Mom said...

Solo te dejo de ver unos dias y ya Diego esta haciendo todas estas monadas y viendose cada vez mas grande y mas guapo (si es que eso es posible).

De verdad que tenemos que juntarnos!