27 October 2008

Personal Library

Isabella is my book worm.  She is always reading.  She doesn't really know how to read, but you will always find her with a book in hand and looking as though she really is reading . She's been into books for as long as I can remember.  She goes through phases with what her favorite books are.  When she was a little over 2 years old, we had 4 books that were her favorite: Prayers for Children, My Little Golden Book About God, Where Do Kisses Come From?, and the Animals of Farmer Jones.  All of these are Little Golden Books.  Then she went through a phase where all we could read to her were Dr. Seuss books - in particular, Huevos Verdes con Jamon (Green Eggs and Ham) and One Fish Two Fish.  Last Christmas Tia Fia gave Isabella her first dictionary (in Spanish).  That was the biggest hit ever.  Isabella's favorite letter to read was P for Papa (Daddy).  Can we say Daddy's girl through and through?  

Isabella started going to school 3 days a week this year.  She loves going to school.  The first week she would wake up extra early, come into our room and tell us to hurry up and get ready that it was time to get to school!  

She has found her own personal library at her school.  There is no formal library to speak of, but there is a book shelf where she checks out a book every day after school.  We have a routine where we go outside to the benches and read the book before we can get into the car.  She brings the book back the next day and the routine starts all over again.  The school administrator, Elizabeth finds it amusing as no other child does this.  

1 comment:

Sofia said...

She's getting so big! I can't wait to see her, squeeze a big hug out of her and give her the books I got for her in Mexico!