30 September 2008

We've got the Power

Hurricane Ike continued to affect several of our friends right up until this past Sunday when power came back to most of their houses.  Since we got power back last Monday, we invited friends over to do laundry or stay the night if needed.  The Dolibois took us up on this offer and came over.  I have to admit, I was secretly glad they HAD to come over.  It was a great opportunity to catch up and spend some quality time together amidst doing loads and loads of laundry.  

Kim and I became close friends during our pregnancy as we were due just a few weeks apart.  Our babies who are now both 3 years old were born 6 weeks apart in 2005.  It has been so fun to see Lucas and Isa's friendship grow.  They are always delighted to see each other and constantly talk about the other.  

Lucas has tried to introduce Isabella to golf as he is an amazing little golfer and has been since before he was even two years old.  When he was around 18 mos. old, the boy hit the golf ball (luckily it was a plastic one) clear across the dining and living room and hit my cheek!  I couldn't believe he had such an amazing ability at such a young age.  Anyway, despite Lucas's attempts to teach Isa about golfing, she really just likes picking up the golf balls for him.  Isa on the other hand, was able to show some girly activities to Lucas and showed him all about wearing pink helmets, riding purple bicycles and best of all, putting on lip gloss.  They were in a closet giggling away as they put on their lip gloss.  Hilarious.

Isabella's latest "thing" is to ask por que?  Por que, Mami?  Por que?  Everything is why, why why.  Bret thinks it's great because it shows how she is learning and she's thinking things through inside that little brain of hers.  He of course only sees her for a few hours out of every day, so he doesn't listen to it CONSTANTLY.  I try to be patient, but boy oh boy, no one ever said that was one of my virtues.  Why?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Annelise is the same way! Why, why, why, mommy, why??? I love that she wants to know more stuff but I also think she does it just to bug me. It's just a stage and it doesn't last forever. Victoria doesn't ask me that all the time anymore. It's hard to be patient!! :)