03 September 2008

Out With the Old, In With the New


That is what I've been doing with my closet.  These bags may not look like a lot to you, but boy did I seriously clean out my closet!  I am not much of a shopper seeing that shopping takes time and requires spending money.  Having children, however, made me realize how old my clothes were and how out of style I was.  Not to mention, I was wearing clothes that really weren't flattering to me any more.  Having children makes you ebb and flow as to your body shape and size.  Thus, those short shirts that were in style not that long ago, now seem even shorter and look even more faded.  I think it's something about the pants being lower waisted now so the shirts are having to compensate and be longer in order to cover that lovely Britney Spears butt crack look.  And so I went on a shopping spree of sorts and bought some new clothes - long shirts included!

Back to purging.  I think having lived in an 1100 sq. foot house with three other people really makes you realize that we have too much stuff and that we don't really need a lot of it.  I grew accustomed to having really small closets and am trying to keep the same mentality now that we have more closet space.  It would be easy for me you see, to use the three practically empty closets in our house to store these old clothes.  But, alas!  I am keeping those closets clothes and clutter free because honestly, if you haven't worn something in over a year - what is the likelihood that you're going to wear it again (barring being pregnant and all that jazz)?  Those bags are long gone and have been given to folks who will actually wear the clothes!

I encourage all of you to go through your closet and eliminate!


Kim said...

I completely agree - I am a huge proponent of purging clothes you never wear. Thanks for the reminder :)

Kimberly Ann said...

Good for you! You know how much I enjoy "organizing." As a good friend in Bolivia said to me... if you cannot use it, for sure there is someone who can!