12 September 2008

Preparing for Ike

Hurricane Season is upon us.  Living in Southeast Texas, we are frequently threatened to be affected by hurricanes.  Currently we are amidst Hurricane Ike.  We already had Edouard (who messed up his spelling?), Gustav, and now Ike.  We are praying that Ike doesn't hit us directly and perhaps dissolves or turns to head another way (but please not New Orleans again).  

We have decided, along with practically our entire neighborhood, to stay put.  There are only two houses on our street that have boarded up - neighbors directly south of us and neighbors directly east of us.  We have put everyone to work in preparing for this hurricane.  Bret and Isabella toured outside our house and put away the swings on the swing set, and put away our patio furniture, trash bins and any other items of that nature that are usually outside.  Really, Isabella is just delighted to have some Papi (Daddy) time and rode her tricycle on the driveway. Inside Diego helped us out by napping.  Later during the day, Isabella helped fill up all our water bottles so that we have plenty of water.  Once Diego woke up from his nap, he was hungry and ate 4 cubes of food - blueberries, kiwi, and melon.  The babe loves his fruit!

I did not do a mad dash to the grocery store as I feel that we have plenty of water and plenty of food already.  We were sure to fill up our cars with gas in case we need to leave out of town.  We have our flashlights on hand.  We have charged our computers and phones.  We will likely watch movies on our computers if the power goes out and play games.  Thankfully we live in a neighborhood that has good drainage systems, and our house is a one story house made of brick.  Our biggest concern is the winds causing the pine trees to fall on our house.  Hopefully that won't happen.  

1 comment:

alston said...

craziness...we will be thinking about you guys. makes me think of hurricane rita - remember the mad exodus? and then barely anything happened. hopefully, the same will be true with Ike, that meanie.