23 June 2009

Diego's Update

A medical update on my sweet, cuddly, thumb-sucking, big deep dark brown-eyed babe, Diego.  Diego has been off the weight curve since October of 2008.  Our pediatrician took into consideration our history (our family history doesn't indicate giants or obese folk) which made us not worry very much.  

But, after seven months of Diego continuously weighing in only at 17lbs. (going further and further away from the weight curve), we were referred to a GI specialist.  I felt that I am privileged to live in Houston - a medical city with some of the best doctors at my back door - and therefore I should do my due diligence (so to speak) and check further into Diego's lack of weight gain.  

Some history: He went through a severe bout of colds this winter which caused him to basically throw up on and off for about 4-5 months.  A very unpleasant experience.  He also was only drinking soy milk because he was strongly intolerant of cow's milk.  Aside from these things, there was nothing indicating a cause for Diego's lack of weight gain.  He's pretty normal and pretty active.  He eats more than your average toddler (which is exactly how Isa was and continues to be).  

Well, after multiple tests of crazy, uncommon diseases - celiac panel, RTA, cystic fibrosis and several others, the doctors haven't found anything.  Diego's tests have all come back either negative or normal.  I have therefore put a stop to any more tests.  My baby is tired of being poked and prodded multiple times (some by very good nurses/techs and some by terrible nurses/techs which made it all the more miserable).  

My pediatrician who has been in practice over ten years says that he has seen a handful of kiddos who did this - and then went back on track to their curve (wherever they were on the curve to begin with...in our case 5%).  I am no doctor and have not a science brain, but I am taking stock in this and just chalking up his lack of weight gain for so many months due to his increase in activity and his genes.  

Diego's last weight check was 2.5 weeks ago at which time he had finally gained weigh and was up to the most he's ever weighed - a whopping 18lbs. 11oz.  Mind you he is 17 mos. old and Isa who was considered very small weighed 18lbs on her 1st bday.  We have not been able to turn Diego around in his car seat despite his legs being all scrunched up like a wee frog.  

So all this to say that Diego is fine.  For those of you who were keeping up, thank you for your prayers.  We are very much at peace with his health and are thankful for healthy children.

1 comment:

The Palmer Family said...

He looks so happy & healthy - what a precious boy. :)